A tiny prototype made in 2 hours and 55 mins  for TriJam #279 with the theme "Sunset"


The perfect snack is always after sunset.

During the day, avoid BODIES and COLLECT orbs.

At night you can't be hurt.

Press "SPACE" when over bodies to snack nonstop till sunrise.


  • Move with WASD/Arrow Keys
  • During the day avoid BODIES, collect ORBS
  • After SUNSET you're invincible until SUNRISE.
  • At night press "SPACE" when over BODIES(snacks) to SNACK.
  • Survive 3 DAYS and 3 NIGHTS.
  • Submit your score to the leaderboard.


  • Bodies stack on top of each other, can sometimes be iffy with scoring.
  • Mozilla has weird text format issues 
  • Doesn't work on mobile
  • Balance is pretty much nonexistent and pacing is off 
  • I actually lost my mind trying to plan things with this one


  • Music :  Minto Dog and Bradon Morris songs  and open source clips
  • Art:  last minute place holder art by ME unfortunately 
  • SFX: open source and public domain clips from opengameart.org


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THAT was cool!!!


Haha, hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for playing and leaving a comment! 

Excellent work in 3 hours! The gameplay is very cool and the minimalist design works very well.

Thanks for leaving a comment! There was a lot more I wanted to do but I'm glad I was able to shove in what I could and somehow produce something that doesn't absolutely fall apart:)

Hahaha I started playing without reading the description, and thought the orbs were the snacks. When it turned out the PEOPLE were the snacks my mind was blown. Awesome.

Also, I like snacks!

Haha, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I approve of your enthusiasm around snacking 100%.

I like this! It would be good to have a bit more of a heads-up when the night is about to end (since I can't watch what I'm doing and keep an eye on the moon at the same time), and I found that sometimes I couldn't collect an orb without moving off it and back on again, but for three hours this is fantastic work! It's got a great look and feel to it.


Ah thanks! I did originally have almost every sprite on the screen more gradually fade to night and back into morning (to better signal the change AND fit the theme more) but I couldn't get it to work right within the time limit:( I also messed around with different sounds and all, but nothing came together in time either. Glad you had a chance to play it through and thanks for the feedback!