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Really fun to play gameplay loop, my only big criticism is the audio level, on basic usage, this is EXTREMELY loud to the point of almost hurting my ears.

Not sure how relevant diagonal throws are, you can probably trickshot a few next to the gorilla, but other than that it is perfectly doable with just the base 4 directions.

Got hit 20 times, probably not the best result x)

Yeah, I originally had corner goals in the game and obstacles that made diagonals throws necessary but later cut them out. I could've (maybe should've) disabled the buttons, but ended up just leaving them in for the jam. When playing I usually only use the base 4 directions as well.

As for the audio, apologies for that! I was messing around with trying to get a volume slider in before submitting and couldn't finish it in time. I usually keep my computer sound relatively low and didn't realize how loud the audio must've been. Definitely something I'll keep in my going forward.

Glad it was still a fun gameplay loop for you, and thank you for the kind words and feedback!

Lovely concept and well executed, as always! Everything looks very polished for a jam game, I don't think I saw any bug. I had a lot of fun replaying until I (finally ^^') won! The variety of ennemies is really cool and I think well balanced (at least enough for someone like me to enjoy the progression and feel challenged at the same time). I believe Hard mode is too hard for me though ^^ Love your primitive art and the choice of music/sound design too :D

Thanks for coming by to check out my game! It was super stressful trying to get everything to fit into the 64x64 resolution but I definitely learned a lot. I'm also very happy to hear you found the difficulty balanced enough to be able to complete, that was 100% my intention...while still making it a hectic mess. As always I truly appreciate your kind words and feedback! 

I love this 😂 silly concept but well executed!! The boss rush and bullet-hell mechanics are made fresh with the way you deal damage / heal yourself. The sounds and music were quite funny as well!! Nice work <3

I was hoping to create that little bit of chaos and panic BUT didn't want players to instantly get too discouraged. Glad to hear you enjoyed the sfx/music, it took a while to make sure I had something that really clicked! Thanks a lot for taking the time to play and leave a comment. 

Simple but neat! I'm impressed by the variety of bosses. A slightly more generous hitbox for the goal would be nice given that it's very easy to lob a banana at it and have the ricochet hit you in the face (which is compounded by the fact that you probably want to be pretty close when you throw the thing in the first place).


Thanks for dropping by and leaving some feedback! I definitely agree about the hitbox on the goal! I did a small update that hopefully makes it a bit more likely to hit the goal...but unfortunately I don't think I can do much more before the jam submissions end:( I appreciate you playing and honestly I'm just glad I was able to throw something together for this jam!

Ah, sweet! That does feel a bit more forgiving (or possibly I just got better at anticipating where things would bounce since my first playthrough). I went from "bruised banana" to "banana boss!"

It's a great effort for two weeks - I hope it does well in the jam!


Thanks again for having a go at it for another round! If nothing else I learned a lot from this jam and it really was fun to work within these kind of restrictions.